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Ladies' Festival Weekend
At Riviera Hotel
14-16 Burnaby Rd, Westbourne, Bournemouth BH4 8JF
£209 per person for the whole weekend (Deposit 25 per person)
Terry Clark /
This platinum weekend package includes:
~ Dorset Cream Tea served on Friday arrival
~ Friday 3 Course Dinner plus coffee & mints - a great way to start the weekend!
~ Dance the Friday night away on Friday to our resident Duo
~ Full English & Continental Breakfast each morning
~ Drinks Reception prior to Gala Banquet with a selection of canapés
~ Saturday 5-Course Red Carpet Gala Banquet with coffee & mints
~ Professional Photographer who will return later with framed prints
~ Professional Toastmaster
~ Pianist to play unobtrusively throughout the Banquet
~ Saturday night Private entertainment 3 piece Band
~ Accommodation with En Suite for the weekend
There are 37 people coming.
Look who's coming: Neil Harvey, Steve Richards, PeterChristmas, Terry Clark, Ia & Jacky Young, Alvin Finch, David Lee, Steve Sutton, Jim Brown, Les Langley, Lucy Thacker, Colin Morley, W Bro Chris Brown, Ron Spencer, Mr Ian Young, Neil Ostler, Mark Davis, Mr&Mrs Yates, Nicola Mason