
Scouting and Freemasonry are independent worldwide Movements, both founded on moral principles with many parallels between them.
The first of these, a requirement for Freemasonry and a desirable attribute for Scouting, is a belief in a Supreme Being.
The second shared moral principle is service to others. Freemasonry requires members to be 'extensively serviceable'; Scouting teaches service to others, no matter the Country, Class or Creed.
The third is to look after & develop oneself. In Scouting, one learns to “Do your best” & “Be Prepared”; Freemasonry offers personal development in a spiritual nonreligious journey.
- Belief in a Supreme Being.
- Service to others.
- Look after and develop oneself.
Next Regular Meeting is
12th December 2024
Not requiring a member to believe in a specific Supreme Being, makes both Scouting and Freemasonry attractive to people from around the World, where people of different faiths can meet in fellowship and harmony with shared moral values, despite the religious, social, cultural and national differences.
Our meetings are held at the Wokingham Masonic Centre:
7 Reading Road, Wokingham, Berks RG41 1EG
We meet five times a year, on the fourth Thursday in February & April, the third Thursday in June, the first Thursday in September (Installation), and the second Thursday in December.